Friday, February 20, 2015

Open the Door

Today is Five Minute Fridays so lets link up and write
So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from my week Instagram feed that match the words of this week.
Topic: Open
Old door in New Hampshire, from our trip last year.
"Look, I'm standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I'll come in and we'll eat together" ~ Revelation 3:20 (God's Word Translation)

I love this translation of this verse. I'm STANDING at the door and KNOCKING! It's happening no. He is currently standing at the door. it is not something that happened in the past but is now.
Listen and Open
Open not that he can come in and do nothing but come in and eat together.
Sharing of a meal.
This everyday thing that means so much to all of us.
We invite our friends, family or neighbors over for dinner.
And Jesus is inviting us to eat with him. He wants to included in that group.
He wants to be apart of your every day.
Just like those we share life with he wants to be there too.
And unlike neighbors or family where it may take work to get them to come knocking, he is already there.
Just waiting for us to OPEN the door.
~ Cassi

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