Friday, June 7, 2013


Fridays I fluctuate between Five Minute Fridays and InstaFriday. But we are all community here, right? They can be combined into one post.
So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from this week that match the words of this week.

Topic: Fall
This week we were hit with bad news. The kind that hooks you by the knees like an old vaudeville act, dropping you the floor. Steve's job has been out-sourced. What does this mean? He is needing to find a new job.
My first reaction was a mix of anger and sadness. All of our plans...falling through. You see when I was looking to change careers I specifically applied to the University so we could work together and car pool. Well I got that job last Oct. and now....
As my Dad said the saying goes "Best laid plans of mice and men.."
That's when it hit me. It was our plan. It was the plans of mere men. Now we are falling to our knees. In prayer we seek God's wisdom for this change. We wait and watch for the new window to open as this door closes. Because we sometimes need to learn the hard way that there is a God infinitely more wiser than mice and men.

~ Cassi
The pictures are just ones I took this week that are all better than the news from this week.

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  1. Great perspective in trusting at a time like this. I'm sorry to hear about his job. Hopefully something even better will come from this!

  2. So related, and enjoyed this post.
    "best laid plans of mice and men"...yes, yes.
    If I had to summarize our experiences the last 12 months on a piece of paper that quote would be in bold large font on the top.
    I hope an even better path opens up for you and your family.


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