Friday, April 5, 2013

The "Right After"

Friday means Five Minute Fridays. So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from this week that match the words of this week.

Topic: After

It's spring here, yes it finally is hitting spring in this frigid tundra. The snow is melting and the air is musty in its wake. It's the after winter thaw that we look forward to.
But it's still not quite right yet to really be outside enjoying the day.
That seems common in the "right after" of any change in season. What do we do in the after?
We are no longer in the "right after" of the fires. There were plenty of times during that "right after" where it didn't feel right yet. Like spring that we could see the sun shining on the other side but the windows were still cold.
I feel like Steve and I are hitting a new season.
We have now passed into the two year mark, the real after.
We have to make sure it is not a time to slide into complacency, which is so easy to do in a marriage. Instead we have to keep growing and working towards the goals we set. We have to push open the windows and feel that it warm now.

~ Cassi

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  1. Yeah for a new season and for two years! Loved the post !!

  2. Great conclusion . . . happy 2 years!
    You know, we shouldn't let complacency in - but it sure gets its way sometimes, doesn't it? It's a lot of learning and time that's gone by for me to realize some of the things that I know now. It's a big "if only I'd known then" feeling now and then. But, God in the forefront - that'll get you through. Anything and everything. He promises. Or promised. Promises.
    Thanks, Jenn

  3. I love how you tie everything together. Yay for two years :) And complacency certainly is a problem that SO many of us need to work on! Have a great weekend (and I see snow in my neighborhood right now! NO!!!).


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