Friday, October 12, 2012

Taking time out

Fridays I fluctuate between Five Minute Fridays and InstaFriday. But we are all community here, right? They can be combined into one post.
So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from this week that match the words of this week.

Topic: Race

When you work two jobs (my day job & photographer) sometimes life seems more like a race. Especially when school starts for Mouse. September always seems like crazy busy with school, work, church, sports, etc..
I am a racer, I thrive on the fast pass life. I do I love to be busy.
But that is not what God calls us to do all the time.
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.~ Mark 6:31

So that is what we did Steve and I. Last weekend we got away to a quiet place and rested our souls. We hiked through nature. We rested, we stopped the race.
We recommitted to each other what is most important.

Then we came home to this little Mouse.

All pictures taken through Instagram throughout the weekend and week.

~ Cassi
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  1. Ahhh, for the chance to get away and abandon the race, if not just for a few days. Someday. Someday. Love the post, and the pictures were wonderful additions. They reminded me of my native Iowa in the fall (without the mountains and the water). Thank you for posting.

  2. It's amazing our tendency to do more and be more all the time. It is so necessary to stop and recharge. God made us with a built in need to rest. Looks like a wonderful weekend...

  3. What a great reminder in Mark 6! I'm so glad you got some time away this last week!

  4. September and October are a crazy busy time for us. I feel like I'm treading water. So good to read your post today. Beautiful photos. Have a great week.

  5. You look just like your mom in the top photo! I am struggling with finding some still quiet time these days too. My soul is craving it....I just need to have my body cooperate!


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