Thursday, May 26, 2011


For our 11 year anniversary Cassi gave me a bracelet with the word ask on it. The bracelet is great. Made of leather with rivets to hold the metal and the word ask stamped into it. Cassi played a game with me up until it came in the mail. We looked at many styles of bracelets online, mainly through the Etsy site. She wanted me to find one that I wanted to wear. She already knew the word she wanted on it. The game was to get me to find out the word. It took awhile but eventually I was able to figure out ask.

Why ask? It is something I rarely did and am working hard at doing more of. Ask questions. Ask about the day, about thoughts, health, feelings. Ask. Simple, but for many hard to do. After a late night discussion I stated I need a sign on the wall with the word ask. I wanted something visable to remind me to take the extra step during conversations. The bracelet is a reminder to ask, communicate, learn.

I have had the bracelet a few weeks. It has become a part of my wardrobe. I don't leave for work without it on. Only time it comes off is for softball or if I know I will be getting dirty. It is such a great gift that I don't want to ruin it by getting dirt, oil, gas, anything unclean on it.

When I don't have it on, my wrist feels empty. It is easy to forget to wear a watch. Not wearing this bracelet is hard. It feels a part of me now.



  1. Oh my gosh... I love this! I'm anxious to tell my husband about this. :) He wrote me an email (I'm out of town helping my mom) telling me he wants to get to know me better... that sometimes he will hear something about me and be shocked that he didn't know it. So, he is excited to make the effort to pay more attention and REALLY get to know me (21 years into marriage, this feels like the sort of personal study that brings on the magic of courting; I'm excited! :D). Your bracelet idea would go a long way at helping to accomplish this goal; I think he would like it. :)

    THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING! I really hope you share more about your experiences with this. I would LOVE to hear about it!

    Corine :D

  2. eeep! i got goosebumps over this. so perfect for an 11-year anniversary gift. what a sweet marriage the two of you must have. <3


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