Friday, June 6, 2014

Into Her Hands

Today is Five Minute Fridays There is no link up today just a prompt.
So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from my week Instagram feed that match the words of this week.
Topic: Hands
parenting, tween
Into my hands this life was placed eleven years ago, to set an example for. Eleven years ago I was not prepared for what teach me.
For into her hands my life was also placed.
This woman-child of mine with more self-awareness than I ever had. She knows to who she is and is OK with what she finds. I need to be more like that.
Into my hands this child was placed lead and nurture.
By her hands I have been lead to a deep understand of Christ love for us as I learn what true unconditional love means.
Never did I think that the tables would be turned so much in this thing we call motherhood.
But into His Hands we are placed and He knew it all was to be this way.
~ Cassi

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  1. Oh how much our children teach us, I have a 6 month old boy and am already learning so much! I enjoyed looking around your blog today. 5 min. friday.

  2. Such a sweet post! I'm pregnant with our first and am excited for the many lessons God and our children will teach me along the way!


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