Friday, February 10, 2012

Five Minute Fridays ~ Trust

It's Friday with Lisa - Jo and that means it's time to write. We write for five minutes unedited on one topic. Then link up with the rest at The Gypsy Mama.
Topic: Trust
That is a fitting title for this week. It was one year ago that a fire burned through our marriage, trying to destroy everything in it's path.
It's been a year of pain, regrowth and trust. Gone was all the things couples hold for granted. We were starting over. We gathered up as much defenses as we could from the fires. 
But it wasn't till they burned through the last of debris were we able to start the process of regrowth. We are still nurturing the growth. Gathering up food (knowledge) and sun light (from the Son).
We are learning to hear, to talk to trust again. It's slow that last one. Trust is harder to grant. There is vulnerability in trusting another. Leaving you open to the hurt again.
Sometime we need that reminder of the importance of time. After a fire a forest doesn't regrow to it's splendor in a year.  
Praying for the rebirth of this Bright Forest.

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  1. such a hard thing- this trust. Praying you find a way to continue- that you stay focused on the knowledge and the Son :-) and that you find your way.

  2. The vulnerability in trusting is the aspect that makes it the most difficult and rewarding at the same time. I love what you said about the importance of time. Time does heal. Maybe not perfectly, but a few years, sure do help take the sting out of a wound.

  3. oh...I have walked with so many whose marriage has burned with fire...oh I pray right now that you all will continue to heal...continue to first trust in the ONE who is always trustworthy...and from that trust...all the redeeming powers will flow...
    Blessings to your journey...

  4. Your post moves me - so tender. Allowing yourself to trust again is your part in regeneration of the forest. You pulling back the clouds so sunlight can get through, you watering the forest floor so nourishment will permeate the roots and permit growth. My blessings go with you.
    Prayers that your journey together continues in strength and love.

  5. Intriguing analogy. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I agree with Laura. I like the analogy you used. When trust has been betrayed, it's hard but not impossible with God to get it back. Wishing you & your husband a relationship more lush than it was before the fire.


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