Friday, October 3, 2014

New Habits

Today is Five Minute Fridays so lets link up and write
So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from my week Instagram feed that match the words of this week.
Topic: New
Structure is not one of my strong points. If I tell myself I am going to...
read the Bible
eat healthy
get more sleep
everyday it is exactly when I will stop doing whatever it is I said I was going to do.
New habits are hard for me to make.
They say it takes 30 days to make a habit.
But what if you can't make it two weeks. How do you build habits?
All of those above items are ones that I would like to do more of.
But when do I find time when I work full-time, part-time and volunteer to a point of a full-time job.
I am interested in your responses. How do you start new habits?
~ Cassi
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  1. Interestingly enough, just this morning, I wrote out a prayer committing (once again) to getting on track with habits which I know are crucial to my health and well-being. I'm choosing to involved God in the process from the get-go and I'm also going to work at actually scheduling time to do these things which is a bit foreign to me. Thinking of you as you begin a journey to new habits as well!

  2. Maybe it's like the "new years resolution" syndrome — it's a lot of pressure to make grand plans. We are not a society filled with grace, which makes "failing" at our planned new habits so discouraging. Perhaps you'd have more success if you allowed yourself the grace to miss every now and then? For me, determination, instead of pressure, is the way for me to stick to a new habit. It's all about the motivation, which is linked to the heart. Why am I starting the new habit? Because if it doesn't come from a heart desire to see it through it will probably not stick.

    Just my opinions — Thanks for asking!

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

  3. I'm glad I read this! I'm working on fitting in things that are important to me as well, and posted my last two posts about it... Ironically, you reminded me of another post I wrote about fitting priorities into my life some time ago; maybe it can help us both! Here is the link and thanks for the reminder! Hugs... Corine :D


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