Friday, April 25, 2014

The heart of a Rose

So I write for Five minute, no edits, no re dos and at the end I will see if there are pictures from my week Instagram feed that match the words of this week.
Topic: Friend
"Fewer things are lovelier to me than a full-blown rose when it opens up its heart."        
~ Audrey Hepburn
So we to must match the rose and open up our heart to one another. It is through that action that true friendship is made.

Friendship is not your highlight reel from Facebook or Twitter. It's not following each other's Pinterest board. And dare I say on a blog it's not just reading someone's blog.

It takes work.
It takes heart.

It is the laid open life of one another. Living through the tough times and the blessed times together.
Let's open like roses to one another.
~ Cassi

PS. The rose is from a friend at work, who thought I needed more beautiful things at my desk.

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1 comment:

  1. Love your post! And I love that you use your week's past instagrams as a photo source. You've inspired me with that one- may I do the same?
    Especially love this:"It is the laid open life of one another. Living through the tough times and the blessed times together."
    I couldn't agree more. Friendships are the real blessing of love manifesting in our hearts.


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