I learned while I watched Cassi work as Dean of Women. I watched from right beside her and from a distance. I am so impressed with how she runs the camp and councilors.
I learned about the Prayer of Jabez and will be looking for the book to finish.
I learned more about prayer and praying with others. Cassi and I prayed deeply for our marriage. Friends prayed deeply for us. I am very humbled by the people who came up to us and stated they are praying for us.
I learned from a husband and wife who have been married for over 40 years on making a marriage last. I personally took a lot away from that discussion. Learned that marriage is not always easy and it is a constant work in progress and that prayer is very important in a marriage.
I learned to sing during church service. I am not a singer, bad voice, no training. I know the songs and started singing, maybe not in a loud voice, but still I was singing. It carried over to our home church service.
I learned that Cassi and I can sleep in a single bed together for a whole week! It was actually quite comfortable and within a day my shoulder area had stopped hurting!
I learned that for years I let Cassi down by not going and participating in Red Rock Camp. A camp she dearly loves and works hard every year to make run smooth.
I learned that I can't wait to go back next year!
Yup, Red Rock will do that to ya!!!