Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Spiel

Last week I lamented the Free Agency loss of two long time Minnesota Twins.  This week I provide a few blogs to follow if you are a sports fan.

My daily read is from a Minnesotan named Aaron Gleeman.  He went to journalism school at the U of Minnesota and started blogging about the Twins while hanging out in his dorm room.  At 29 years old he now has a radio show on a local sports talk station, is a writer for NBCSports, Rotoworld and MinnPost.  He is also on Twitter.  I enjoy his Twins write ups and all around MLB knowledge and tweets.  I recommend his blog to a lot of people I know that like baseball.

Twitter wise a few people to follow to keep up on the Minnesota sports scene are Dave Campbell -@davecampbellAP, Jon Krawczynski - @APkrawczynski and Rhett Bollinger @RhettBolinger

Another great person to follow, or at least check out is Minnesota Vikings punter, Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft -some days he can really make you laugh with all the time he has on his hands.  He must not need to work out daily to keep in Punter shape...

Let us know about interesting people you follow!

Don't forget to stop by  Tuesday's post and get in on a Giveaway for a new wallet from DaySpring.


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