Thursday, December 1, 2011

Project wind down

Thanksgiving weekend was the one year mark of starting the "finish the basement project".  That is the weekend I bought the Sheetrock for the basement.  That Sheetrock stayed stacked in the basement until last New Years Eve day.  Two friendly neighbors came over and we hung about 90 percent of it.  Then slowly the rest was put up, taped, mud, painted...the list goes on.  I felt like I worked on some part of the basement on almost a daily basis.  This week the plumber came in and finished the hookup in the bathroom.  It went smooth considering we built the vanity ourselves and the dimensions were all off for regular plumbing setup.  Everything just fits, except the Moen faucet leaks all over.  It is getting returned today and the hope is by the weekend all parts of the bathroom are complete.  One last door needs to be put in and a few pieces of trim and's done, no more 100 dollar plus purchases from the big box hardware stores.  I'm kinda sick of the big box stores, I need a break from them, I feel like I work at them I am there so often.  Pictures are being taken of the finished basement, maybe we will get all high tech and try to put up a walk through video.  Until then, thanks for viewing the project through the blog, it has been a learning experience and a project I am glad I did, but hope not to do again.


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1 comment:

  1. You two are AMAZING! With all you do, it is nice to know that even some of your projects have spaces of time between start and finish; that further inspires me knowing that if projects must be placed on hold (even for the remodeling king and queen), they can still get finished! :) Good work you two!!!
    Corine :D


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