Friday, September 28, 2012


Today is Friday and it has been a busy week. So much so that I don't have a lot of pictures to show for it.
Over the weekend we finished some chairs for my photo studio and craft room. Then the work week just got crazy.
One thing I love about my current job is I get to get Mouse off to school one morning a week. I love that time together. You know your bringing up a child versed in technology when she says "Mom take a picture of the sun coming out of my head for Instagram"
Last night we celebrated Steve's birthday at our favorite restaurant, Scusi! Oh how we love their sea salt crust pizza. Mouse liked to draw on the paper tablecloths.
The item they are most known for is their Zeppoli, pure doughnut heaven!

Seriously if you live in Minnesota you have to try this place. It's small and loud and they play old sci-fi Italian movies (that kind of creepy you out) but the food is soo worth it.

See what picture did you take this week? Link up with Life Rearranged.
~ Cassi

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  1. When we're up in the Cities, we'll have to check that place out. I always like finding new places, especially ones that come recommended. // Have a great week!

  2. love the card, homemade is the best. I LOVE zeppolies...what a great way to celebrate his birthday.

    What a beautiful picture of the sunlight, she's a smart kid.


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