Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adventures in food - Tomatoes

I do not like tomatoes, in the raw form.  Surprisingly, lately I have been trying them more and more in foods and generally liking them. 
A little history, growing up everyone in my family ate tomatoes.  I was the odd one out.  We had tomatoes just sliced on a plate, tomatoes in stews and hot dishes.  My dad grew tomatoes so they were plentiful.  I could not get over the consistency of the tomato and the taste never won me over either.

A few months ago I really started liking avocados.  Cassi makes a really good guacamole and I would always push the tomato parts around, or try to not scoop them up.  Both Mouse and Cassi would tease me about my distaste for tomatoes.  I decided to take the chance, grow up a bit, and stop moving around the tomatoes so they don't end up on my chip.  Mixed with all the ingredients in the home made guacamole I can stand them.  Then this week I ordered a chicken sandwich with no tomato slice.  The sandwich had guacamole which is what I really wanted. When the sandwich arrived the waitress apologized for the tomatoes in the guacamole, but I said that was alright, can't make guacamole without tomatoes, right!?  The sandwich was good, and the small pieces of tomatoes were good, not overpowering.  Next step is a cherry tomato...maybe...


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1 comment:

  1. I'm the same! I don't consider myself fussy with food yet only liked tomatoes cooked (except on brushetta at my local Italians who make fresh toms taste amazing) and only like avocado in guacamole! How bizarre.Rx


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