Friday, March 23, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Loud

On Fridays we write, one topic, no edits. Just the pure form of writing to write. Join all of with Lisa Jo at The Gypsy Mama.
Topic: Loud

Nine years ago our small home was quiet. The buzz of the news on the TV was the most noise that was heard. We didn't talk or laugh a lot back then. We're were just quiet. Then a month before you were to come you showed up. At the hospital we still didn't understand the changes that would take place.
But then we brought you home, our little Mouse. And you took quiet and threw it out. Crying for two days straight, I wondered what we had gotten ourselves into.
Little did we know what you would bring to our home. Our quiet days soon turned to laughter and tears as you grew. Your silly ways making us wonder what we did before you came around.
This weekend you are turning nine.Your ways have not changed you are still the girl who turns our lives from quiet to loud. We will have nine little girls invading our quiet this weekend, to help you celebrate. We are blessed in the loud.
 Oh and did I mention Mouse got glasses last weekend. The final step, we pray, in her struggles with reading.

Happy Birthday Mouse!

~ Cassi

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  1. She is so precious! The glasses look adorable on her!
    What a neat tribute to her!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your adorable little Mouse! I'm glad she broke into your world with her laughter and tears!! She has gorgeous eyes! :)


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