Friday, March 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Empty

"It's finally Friday
I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
I'm outa' control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll."
---George Jones

Doesn't that song run through your head every Friday? No, just me...really.
But it is finally Friday so that means a post of no editing just writing on one topic.
Link up with the rest of us who are glad it's finally Friday at Lisa-Jo's The Gypsy Mama.
Topic~ Empty

I was reading Ashley's post the other day and it made me think. She talks about how she is neither a glass half full or half Empty kind of thinker. That she is a it's just right thinking person.

I wanted to immediately agree that I am that way too. But truthfully I am not. I would love to be. But some how through the life I have become a half empty thinker. I take after my Dad.

Empty is not the way I want to look at life. I want to see it as just right. I am not even pushing to the half full version. Just the it's OK version of thinking.

Here's to getting past half Empty.

~ Cassi

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  1. Just stopping by to say hi. I struggle with that half full mentality as well! Good post.

  2. I love it! I'm not there yet, but like you, I want to get to the place where I see the glass as "just right."

    Awesome post.

  3. Oh yes! I try so hard not to see the glass as half-empty because it makes things turn gray around the edges of life for me, and I just don't want that. Here's to getting to that place where it's "just right."

  4. I've never known how to answer that question. I feel like it pins me in some kind of box... so I just don't answer. "Just right" is a good answer, too. I could jive with that. :)


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