Friday, February 24, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Grit

It's Friday time to write unedited for five minutes on one topic. Linking up with The Gypsy Mama in her Five Minute Friday sessions.
Topic: Grit

"And though she be but little, she is fierce." - Shakespeare

The first time I saw that line I knew it was for Mouse. There are numerous reason we call her Mouse, but the one most everyone sees is her size. She is a small girl. Though her height is finally fitting in with her age group at almost nine she still wears 5T tops and skirts well. She will love those long legs and small bones one day. But today is not that day.

She cries when people ask her how first grade is, my third grader does. But she does it in the quiet of her room. To others she is has Grit. She can keep up with the boys and hold her own in wrestling match. But more importantly she is Fierce for what she thinks is right. And that is something I will always love about her.

Her righteous attitude for injustice, can be comical to the adults in the room. The tears she cries over the poor puppies on TV. Then she will immediately get this look of Grit in her eyes as she tells she will do something one day to save them all.

My little Mouse. My Fierce little Mouse. How you do have true grit. One day you will save them all I have no doubt.  
~ Cassi

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  1. oh, it sounds like our daughters would get along great!! She inspired my post today too...Mine is only 3, short {not small boned, she won't thank me later :) }, but every inch of her is filled with grit. and beauty. these girls of ours, they will change this world for the better. I know it.

    1. That is always my prayer to see that day they change the world for the better

  2. Mine was small and fierce, and now she is a teenager . . and still fiercely gritty. They will change the world those girls. And reveal his beauty all over the place. Nice to meet you through FMF.

  3. May she always be mighty in spirit! Loved this post and that you love her just as fiercely as she feels about things.

  4. Precious. I'm a small girl myself, and I love that quote. I hope your girl owns it!

  5. Love those sweet-but-fierce daughters of ours! Mine is in third grade too. Sometimes I find myself looking at her in amazement. Her bones so tiny, her heart so fierce.

    Great post!

  6. Oh, your daughter sounds like she has such a spirit, and what a wonderful one. I love that quote, too, used it as my senior yearbook quote. :)


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