Friday, January 20, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Vivid

It's Friday that means it's time to do 5 minute Friday with Lisa-Jo and the rest of the girls who link up at The Gypsy Mama blog. It means Lisa-Jo picks a topic and we write for 5 minutes, no editing.
Topic: Vivid

Wow that is a tough topic. I guess I am not feeling the vividness here. Winter has finally arrived in Minnesota. This week has been cold and gray. And then cold some more (-16 degrees cold). Between the cold and the pain in my chest I am not seeing vivid.

Chest pain is from Costochondritis. I was diagnosed with it just after Christmas. When I went to the emergency room with extreme chest pain. I then spent an hour convincing them I wasn't having a heart attack. They did the expensive test anyways. Costochondritis is the inflammation of the cartilage attaching the ribs to the sternum. It sucks and it hurts.

This has made it so it hurts to do most everything. So between that and the cold spell. I am not really feeling the Vivid.

It is something I need to work on. To see the vivid in the midst of gray.

~ Cassi

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  1. Wow...I have never heard of your diagnosis and that sounds SO hard. I can only imagine how you feel. I can certainly understand how you are not feeling or seeing the vivid. Yeah, cold is not my favorite. I like snow though. I will be praying for you!

  2. Oh praying for you friend. My sister has a form of something similar to this with all her joints. Praying God shows you a very special blessing of HIS VIVIDNESS during your gray. Love, Traci

  3. ouch! I trust there is a treatment? May you find some relief so you can enjoy this snow we're finally getting amidst the silly cold spell we're having (I'm from MN, too!).

    Praying for sweet you can see vivid.


  4. I appreciate your candor and your honesty. I pray for God's healing. And I pray for a glimmer of vivid warmth to sneak its way into your day. Sending thoughts of love and care your way today.

  5. OH, that sounds so painful. How will you treat it? I hope you are feeling better soon.

    I think fresh fallen snow is vivid and stunning, but maybe that is because I don't have to live in it and shovel it! :)


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