Friday, January 27, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Tender

Friday is here so I am linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Fridays. Which means below is five minutes of unedited writing on a topic of her choosing.

Topic: Tender

I have stated before here and here, that I am going to be an Aunt soon. In preparing for this new experience I have been around baby stuff more and more. This stirs up all those old memories. Of tiny baby shoes, soft blankets and lavender smells.

Then Mouse brought home a school project to work on a book about her. We brought out the old scrapbooks and poured over the day of her birth and the months to follow. All those memories flooded back. Her preemie body curled up on top of ours while she slept. Her hand reaching for her Womb Pooh ( a stuff animal that made white 'womb' noises). Tracing her delicate features as she slept.

As I trace her still delicate features as she sleeps this baby going on tween. I long for some of those years back. Those Tender moments that come so rarely now.

~ Cassi

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  1. Babies and their memories are a great picture of the word Tender. How cute that you refer to your daughter as Mouse! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thanks for reminding me that my babies will always be babies to me. Precious.
    (p.s. both my boys were preemies, too - yet they grow so fast!)

  3. I didn't realize that Mouse was that story buried somewhere here on your blog?

  4. Yes, they go by so fast and at every age there are tender moments to hold on to. Love the way new life transforms our thinking, brings us back to what is important!

  5. Those were the days of sleepless nights, but it's those sweet tender moments I remember most. Those nights in a darkened room with my sweet boys breathing softly on my neck. :)

  6. So sweet....those sweet tender moments don't stop really, they just change and as mommas we just need to see them...Blessings dear one!


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