Friday, November 18, 2011

Five Minute Friday ~ Grow

It's Friday time to write for five unedited minutes. I am always amazed at what I write never what I thought I would right about. Join up with the rest of us at The Gypsy Mama. She'll give you the topic you just write.


I feel I am at a cross road. Staring at the roads ahead and wondering which way to go. Which way will let me grow?

How do I grow in my trust in God? Do you ever feel like you don't know which way he has planned for you?I am always at that feeling with my career.

Do I keep on the path I am on? If I take that path I will need to grow in trusting him that I will become content in what I do.

Do I keep looking for the path I spent years studying for? Trusting God to find the new career for me.

Or do I take this new path that has been set in front of me? One I had never really considered before. Trusting God to make it financial possible.

Each of these paths will bring about Growth. They will each teach me to trust in God for my needs. But neither option is a bad choice. So how do I know which way God wants me to go.

~ Cassi

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  1. Okay, I want to know what the new path is that has been put in front of you! Share....please?

  2. Oh it can be so hard when you are waiting for direction.
    We have the direction, but we are waiting for the vision that He has given to become a reality.

    Bottom line? waiting = trusting = really, really hard!!


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