Friday, October 21, 2011

Five Minute Friday ~ Beyond

It's time again for Five Minute Fridays with Gypsy Mama. Five minutes of unedited writing on a single topic.

This year has all been about going Beyond. I am trying to learn to go beyond me. I am not in control of my life. No, I take that back I need to let go of control of my life. To go Beyond me and let God take control.

Beyond the shallow trappings of this world and surrender to the picture Beyond my comprehension.

To feel a love and learn to love Beyond any I have felt so far.

But to do all this is tough. I falter and turn back over and over again.

This last week is a good example. I felt like we were finally getting a place financially (we have been finishing our basement and that has ate away at the extra money) were we could buy some bigger ticket not needed items. I really need a new camera. And my desire this year is to take Mouse to the Caribbeans. But then I rear ended someone on my way to work. Nothing bad just enough damage to file a insurance claim.

I lost the resolve that morning. I cried (crazily) to the guy I just hit that I won't get a new camera now. I am sure he understood. It was hours later that I finally surrendered to God and poured out my desire for him to handle the budget.

Why can't I surrender there first?

I know that it is Beyond me that everything will work out.

Because nothing is Beyond him.

~ Cassi

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  1. Stopping in from The Gypsy Mama. Beautiful post. It really is hard to let go and trust God to direct our paths. Many of us have to have a difficult trial in order to be able to let go. And many of us falter and have to recommit again and again. I am one of those. I think the important thing is to keep trying. It sounds like you are doing that. Take care!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved what you wrote. So true, letting God have control, it isn't a one time thing, its a daily, minute by minute process!

  3. I know all about not being able to surrender first, I have to fall pretty hard, and in my crumpled being on the floor, I finally call to Him, God is never Beyond our reach, this truth I know.

  4. Hi's a daily struggle, isn't it? For me, my attempts to be Beyond myself are often jagged with perfectionitis...longing to *perfectly* get beyond myself. And He humbles me every moment--ever so gently--reminding me it is He who takes me Beyond myself, never Me.

    Rich blessings as He leads you.

  5. I'm so sorry about your accident. That's rough... As for you - your resolves are awesome, Cassy! And you are right; nothing is beyond Him. Good to you for making Him your partner in life! :) With Him, you can do it! :D

  6. "nothing is beyond Him." AMEN! love this. great 5 minutes!

  7. Can so relate to this. My daughter who only had her license two weeks was rear ended and the car was totalled. We just bought a new car for my husband so now we are waiting in hope He will provide beyond what we see in circumstance for her. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Sorry to hear about your accident! I had a rear-ender once, too, and I remember how upset I felt. It was so hard to just surrender that worry to God and let things take care of themselves.


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