Friday, September 9, 2011

Five Minute Friday ~ in real life

Friday means five minutes of unedited writing with Gypsy Mama and today with {In}Courage too.
Today is about "in real life"
So here it is five minutes:

In real life...

Oh I have been waiting for {In}Courage to do their big reveal. I could tell it was something in more tangible then online chats.

The reveal was today. A weekend of online webinars / meet ups across the globe. I am excited very excited.

But a little sad, I was hoping for a trip away to a in person conference to really meet people. Touch them shake hands, hug, cry on each others shoulders with good-byes . But this is a good start.

Why am I disappointed to not In Real Life see people I don't even know?

Mostly because I don't have that female connection here. That sister in Christ to lean on, have coffee with, to share life with. {In}Courage woman provide some of that.

And really when you read the blogs where people meet their blog friends. It just makes smile and sad all at once.

But I will trust in God that this is a good start to lasting local and far away In Real Life Christian friendship.

~ Cassi

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  1. i know this feeling.

    we are such a community here, all this blogging and all this loving. it's amazing to me how, only being in a serious blogging life since about June, just how much we have all bonded.

    this is community. but oh, to hug and share and weep. this would be bliss.

  2. Cassie, I am constantly wanting to "meet" "in real life" the friends I have met through blogging. You are one of the friends I hope to meet. I'm starting a list of my online friends and where they live (just started it a few days ago!) so that when I travel near one of them - we can meet! Looks like I may be meeting one of them this month when I go to a wedding. :) I'm so excited!!! Cassie... you HAVE to be on my list! :) I can't wait until we meet, "in real life!!!"
    Corine :D

  3. So true ... we get to know each other, here at a distance, but the desire is to have the intimacy of a RL meeting.
    Thank you.

  4. I totally understand! great post!

  5. I totally understand. I would LOVE to meet some of the wonderful folks I meet online. I had a wonderful group of Christian women friends in college, but I've moved several times since and just don't have that community now.

  6. Oh we know, we know - and that's why we're hoping that you can meet some women through this that live close by you and don't require plane hopping to get that hug that sometimes we all really need. I mean, I'm sure our (in)courage girls would love to be at one big massive meetup, but we'd far rather have you connecting with women who live only a few miles away. That's the special of (in)RL and we're looking forwarding to making new neighborhood friends through it too!

    Warmest of wishes


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