Sunday, July 10, 2011

Steve's Sunday Faith Sharing

My experiences at Red Rock
In June Cassi, Mouse and I went to Red Rock Camp as a family for the first time.  Cassi has been going for years and Mouse has been going since she was born.  This was my first time at camp for the whole week.
The week was full of seeing Gods work.   Seeing the joy in the young kids faces after children’s church or craft time.  Watching the teenagers at each table saying grace before meals.  The diversity of people leading prayers during Bible studies and share time, from pastors to regular campers like me.   I enjoyed meeting the families that come year after year, meeting past campers that came for part of the week and getting to know the youth speaker, one of the most energetic guys I have ever met.
Red Rock camp is located at Lake Koronis in Paynesville.  The grounds are perfect with a lake, many benches and a playground. I spent a lot of time on the benches.  Watching Mouse play in the playground, watching the waves on the lake.  Bench time gave me time to reflect on what happened during the day.  Reflect on how I can improve my life by living the way God wants me to live.
For me Alter Call was an important, powerful time at Red Rock.  Alter Call was each night at the end of evening service.  During this time Cassi and I prayed for each other, friends prayed for us.  I spent time in deep prayer which is something I have never done before.  It was during Alter Call that I really felt God’s presence working to answer prayers.  Working through others to help in prayer.  During breakfast we would hear stories about how the prayer time helped people.  One example was after a healing service.  A friend of ours was prayed over to heal constant back pain.  The next day he was elated to say he was no longer feeling any pain in his back.  Alter Calls are an amazing experience.
The pastor who married Cassi and I has been attending camp for years, he is the reason Cassi started to attend.  He and I prayed about me becoming the spiritual leader of the family.  I really took this prayer time to heart.  After this prayer time I felt calmness, a peace a feeling of confidence that, with Gods help, I can lead my family spiritually.

Since camp: It is hard to go back to the “real” world after camp.  Every day we, as a family, work on making things that were prayed about a reality.  Look to spend time with other Christians and are already planning for next year.  Rumor has it I will be leading the crafts for the Junior Campers!
Changes in our family since Red Rock:  Prayer time at night as a family, Cassi and I are doing a Friday night Bible verse – sharing Bible verse we read during the week and discussing it.
I will never forget my experiences of my first full week at Red Rock camp. 
Thank You

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1 comment:

  1. Yup, once you have been to Red Rock - life isn't the same! I am so glad you had this great experience!


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