Friday, July 22, 2011

Rain, rivers, running ~ His side / Her side

Tuesday Cassi and I had lunch together.  We met at the restaurant, went in and sat down.  When our food arrived we noticed the wait staff going to the windows.  We looked outside to see dark storm clouds.  No big deal, we'll eat and the storm will pass.  It didn't turn out that way.  The rain came and stayed.  Rain, wind, hail.  Poor cars, hail was, at times, the size of ping pong balls.  We had to leave to get back to work.  Oh oh. We have to run through this rain to get to the cars...

Adventures during lunch seem to be the norm for us. Which is great we wanted to add some adventures to our lives. When we arrived at Hazel's the weather was clear (very hot but clear). The news had stated rain in a neighboring county but nothing we should have to worry about. Then suddenly the skies went blackish green. Everyone in the restaurant stopped and stared out the windows. We thought that it would pass as quickly as it came but half hour later it was still going strong. The water was coming up over the sidewalks.

Cassi looked great in the dress she was wearing.  (Oh thanks Steve) Dress and high heels, not the best outfit to run to a car in while the driving rain falls fast.  I went around the corner of the restaurant to try and unlock the cars.  Her car was just to far out of the way for me to unlock it.  The time came to run.  We kissed then made a run for it.  Cassi running through the rain, splashing in the puddles rivers on the streets.  I felt bad I didn't have an umbrella to cover her in.  We made a mental note to buy extra umbrellas to leave in the cars! 

The shoes were not good to run in the rain in. Steve's car was parked closer to the place than mine. I had to run about a block. Which wasn't horrible till I had to cross the alley. The alley had turned into a small stream, that went above the heels of my shoes. I was afraid to try and jump it and then slip and fall in it. By the time I got to my car I was drenched. I know Steve wants us to get umbrellas but I am not sure they would have helped in this case since we didn't know it was going to rain.

~Steve & Cassi

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1 comment:

  1. ... lunch together, again? And another one of your "his and hers" posts... :o Cool! :D How often do you meet for lunch? This is so romantic I can hardly contain myself! :D I may have to copy you. :o
    Corine :D


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